Cowbell Fever on Tour
We had the opportunity to promote Cowbell Fever at two conventions so far in 2013. The first was MTAC, the Middle Tennessee Anime Convention, and the second was at the video game convention Score Con 3.
We wanted players to experience the game first hand so we needed some way to display the game with a good quality sound system. So we created an arcade style cabinet to house an iPad and speakers. The Cowbell Fever Experience was born.
The cabinet was created from scratch using oak plywood. The cabinet features a lockable steel iPad enclosure, a Sony 2.1 sound system, illuminated backdrop, and marquee. The cabinet also has a removable back door with a lock. It took about a week to create this awesome cabinet. Every authentic detail is there including the vinyl t-molding on the edges and the Ms Pac Man kick molding on the bottom front.
Our full booth also had a small table with Cowbell Fever soundtracks, posters, and t-shirts for sale.
Everybody that stopped by loved the game and also the cabinet itself. Most people assumed it was an authentic arcade cabinet.
Hopefully we will have the opportunity to take it out on the road some more.